Thousands of Two Minute
Money Makers are Waiting…

Are You Ready?

Bryan Perry here…

The only advisor to hand you 2-minute payouts of $300… $500… even $1,200 or more…

And losses are nearly non-existent. I have had a win rate of 99.3%.

So I call these Promise Contracts because they promise you a win almost every time you trade.

I’m looking forward to helping you build a retirement fortune, starting with:

Benefit #1: Premium Income Pro Quick Start Guide

Everything you’ll need to know about selling Promise Contracts is in this no-holds-barred, Special Report. What’s in it? My easy to understand, three-step plan for this money-making strategy. You’ll quickly be on your way to a wealthy, worry-free retirement that you may have never thought possible… until now.

Benefit #2: Premium Income Pro Weekly Alerts

Every week in your email inbox (and also via mobile phone text, if you choose), you’ll get plain-English, money-making recommendations showing you what to buy… when to buy… and when to sell. That means no guesswork for easy profits!

Benefit #3: Special Text Message Alerts

To make sure you never miss an urgent buy/sell recommendation, I will send you a text message so you can take immediate action.

Benefit #4: Hotlines with NEW Recommendations

You’ll get one or more new cash-generating plays per week… which means a constant flow of cash for you. Plus, you’ll get a timely update of all of your current positions.

Benefit #5: Quarterly Conference Calls

Every three months – sometimes more – you can hop on a conference call with me. I help simplify complex markets so it’s easy to profit in these volatile markets. You’ll come away with precise forecasts of which stocks can pay you the most explosive returns in the coming months.

Benefit #6: Special “Smart Money” Training”

Short, informative training videos for executing this simple method… backed by support from your own Premium Income Pro concierge. I’m going to hold your hand and walk you through the most exciting income strategy you’ve ever experienced.

Benefit #7: Investing Master Class

From my good friends at Consistent Profits. You’ll learn the seven pillars that can help you rig the markets for your success, three elements to increase your trading results in surprising ways, learn how you can better control your long-term profitability… and more.

You’ll also get a 30-45 minute one-on-one coaching session with one of their experts.

Benefit #8: VIP 24/7 Private Areas of My Premium Income Pro Website:

You’ll get VIP access to my latest research, recommendations, weekly issues, hotlines, Special Reports and my own training library… Anything I can dream of to help you make money with Promise Contracts is here… all in one place!

Making money with Promise Contracts couldn’t be more effortless. In fact…

Even beginner investors can do this easily!

Promise Contracts may be the simplest way to make money today. Two minutes is all you need for a payday.

Remember, you get paid on the spot quickly, through your online brokerage account… and it’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3:

  1. Open your email.
  2. Copy and paste the numbers into your trading account (or read the numbers over the phone to your broker).
  3. Be able to collect a few hundred dollars quickly… up to a few thousand… depending on your trade.

When I say quickly, I mean as fast as you can click a mouse.

And you’re completely covered by my:

Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

You MUST be 100% thrilled with your earnings and your new life within the first 30 days with Premium Income Pro, or I will rush you a complete, 100% refund of every cent you paid.


A quick phone call is all it takes to get ALL of your subscription money back, pronto.

No worries, no questions asked and no worries for you.

So claim your 30-day life-changing test-drive RIGHT NOW: