Investing Strategies & Updates

Delays on Trump Agenda Temper Investor Expectations

April 17, 2017

It has become rather clear this past week that President Trump has grossly miscalculated his ability to change things up in Washington with the kind of speed a multi-billion dollar merger can be put together President Trump quickly is walking back and dialing down on most of the populist issues that won him the election […]

Markets, Fed Policy and Managing Expectations

April 10, 2017

One would think the Fed officials would like to get out of the spotlight and just read the data, meet every two months, decide to raise or not raise rates, explain why and return to their cozy offices. That’s how the Fed used to operate. There was no mid-Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting state […]

Generating Rising Income from a Confident Consumer

April 3, 2017

Mainstream media constantly feature the views of critics of the consumer-driven domestic economy who warn that consumers are tapped out from paying too much for housing, taking on too much household debt, struggling with student loans, maxing out credit cards and craving a “new car smell.” And yes, there are pockets of overextended people who […]

Cashing in on Tech Sector Volatility

March 27, 2017

Without question, the sector most favored by traders is technology, and for a number of reasons. Most great technological advances are the brainchildren of Americans and thus are seeded, nurtured, fostered and taken public as some of the most dominant domestic companies ever created. Ingenuity is an American staple, with more than 90% of all […]

Fed Strikes a Resounding Note of Confidence

March 20, 2017

The writing was on the wall and the Fed did not disappoint last Wednesday, March 15, when the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) stayed true to its preemptive rhetoric by bumping up its target range for the fed funds rate by 25 basis points from 0.75% to 1.00%. The decision, as outlined in the Fed’s […]

Subscribe to Hi-Tech Trader

Bryan’s trading service helps you make money by playing stocks and options on the one sector that most consistently offers investors like you opportunities for life-changing gains: hi-tech. These BIG breakthroughs that change the world are truly “disruptive” technologies — the kinds of stocks that can multiply your investment by 10, 20, even 50 times or more. Click here now to learn more.

Stronger Wages and the Effects of a Border Tax

March 13, 2017

Last Friday’s February employment data was all the rage for market participants, and its release all but guaranteed that the Fed will raise interest rates this week. The non-farm payrolls increase and the unemployment rate stole the headline show in the newspapers. But really, it was the increase in average hourly earnings that provided the […]

Fedspeak in Focus as Yellen Lays out Future Rate Hikes

March 6, 2017

Fed Chair Janet Yellen gave a closely watched speech to the Executives Club of Chicago last Friday, which she used as a platform to lay out her economic outlook prior to the central bank’s March 14-15 Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. Yellen stated, “We currently judge that it will be appropriate to gradually increase […]

Generating Rising Income from the Global ‘Reflation’ Trade

February 27, 2017

This year, the stock market is off to a red-hot start and investor expectations are rising on the hopes of several major themes taking hold that will positively impact asset valuations. Factors favoring market gains include improving economic growth and potential reductions in tax rates for corporations and individuals. President Trump is targeting tax rate […]

Riding the Bull Market with Bull-Call Spreads

February 20, 2017

When it comes to maximizing total return from the market-leading stocks, a well-oiled bull-call-spread option program is one of the very few strategies that can drum up heady short-term returns. The cornerstone of a high-quality bull-call-spread trade is to use Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) call options to control the most expensive big-name stocks […]

Cashing In on Bull-Call Spreads Month After Month

February 13, 2017

When you’ve been in the financial services industry for as long as I have as a 33-year veteran, you’ve seen the variety of ways and methods by which strategists bring new money-making models to the investing universe and how very few live up to their billing. This view especially holds true in the trading of […]

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